4 Generations of Quality Thimbles
Company History
- 1898 Foundation of the traditional and family business of Friedrich Höppe
- 1950 Handover to his son Hans Höppe
- 1961 Handover to his son Hans Otto Höppe
- 1998 Handover to his son Hans Höppe on the occasion of the 100th anniversary
- 2023 “Planned” handover to family Höppe on the occasion of the 125th anniversary
Friedrich Höppe GmbH
High-Quality Thimbles for 100+ Years
Chant is the exclusive North American Distributor for Friedrich Höppe GmbH thimbles. These high-quality steel thimbles have been made by Friedrich Höppe in Germany for over 100 years.
The DIN 3090 Galvanized Thimbles are available in sizes 4 & 6 and are electro galvanized; Sizes 8 to 80 are hot dipped galvanized; Done in accordance to EN 13411-1. Certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.
We carry in stock the solid DIN 3091 Thimbles painted black to minimize rust, cast from GGG 40 steel, not machined. Custom hole sizing is available upon request.
The DIN 3091 Thimbles sizes 8-14 & 44 are DIN 3091 issue 11-1976; Sizes 16-80 are DIN 3091 issue 12-1988.
Friedrich Höppe GmbH Stephanopel 87-91 • 58675 Hemer • Germany

DIN 3091 Thimbles
DIN 3091 Self Colored Solid Thimbles
The holes in the thimbles can be made in tolerance D10, H7, H8 or with plain bearing bushings. We also supply solid thimbles in other sizes and special designs according to customer requirements.
Size 8 – 14 + 44* DIN 3091 Issue 11-1976, Size 16 – 80 DIN 3091 Issue 12-1988

DIN 3090 Galvanized Thimbles
Hot Dipped Galvanized Thimbles
Size 4 and 6 electro galvanized, from Size 8 to 80 hot dipped galvanized.
In accordance to EN 13411-1 with the following factors:
RW ₌ 1,1 x D, C ₌ 2,5 x D, I ₌ 2,0 x C

HEG® Heavy Duty Thimbles
Hot Dipped Galvanized Thimbles
• Strongest thimbles on the market, which is a Friedrich Höppe innovation.
• These thimbles come in sizes to match high tensile shackles, ensuring a perfect fit.
• These thimbles are stronger than any other thimbles with welded plates to stop the thimble from collapsing under load.